SRPP NEWS l 23 September 2022

Mr. Panuwat Chalongkuamdee was asked to speak to students in AC701 Accounting Implications for Business Integration of Semester 1/2022 at Thammasat University on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Mr. Panuwat was requested to offer his expert knowledge on Legal Due Diligence and Legal Documents in Deal and Closing due to his extensive experience and comprehensive understanding of the legal business.
The lesson was taught as part of the Master of Accounting Program (MAP), which is designed to offer students with a comprehensive understanding of accounting and other relevant academic areas in accordance to the current worldwide trend. This will enable the pupils to maximize their future commercial decision-making by applying their brains.
It was an honor and a joy to be a part of such an excellent and valuable class for the fourth year. Thank you very much for the invitation!
You may check out Panuwat's profile here.