SRPP News l 29 September 2023

We are delighted to announce a remarkable achievement: our esteemed partner, 'Ms. Passawan Navanithikul' and 'Mr. Panuwat Chalongkuamdee', have been recognized as 'Market Leader' 'Woman Leaders' and 'Highly Regarded Lawyer', respectively, by the prestigious IFLR1000 rankings for the year 2023.
This is a great honor and a testament to their outstanding skills and expertise in their respective fields of practice. We are grateful to IFLR1000 for acknowledging their significant contributions and excellence in the legal profession.
We congratulate our partners on this well-earned recognition and we look forward to their continued success and leadership in the market.
You may view Passawan's profile here.
You may view Panuwat's profile here.
For more information, please click here.